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Vergés MIlano, Josep

President & CEO at Osteoarthritis Foundation International


1. Osteoarthritis. 
2. Educational and social programs focused on prevention at risk groups such as seniors, sportspeople and women over 45.
The Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI) is an independent non-profit patient foundation devoted to the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis (OA), along with the improvement of the quality of life of patients. We represent patients with osteoarthritis worldwide.


1. Vergés J., de Moragas J.M.: Consideraciones metodológicas del ensayo clínico en dermatología. Piel, 1991, 6: 267-271.
2. du Souich P., Vergés J., and Erill S.: Plasma protein binding and pharmacological response. Leading article. Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 1993, 24: 435-440.
3. Vergés J., Maurice H., Héroux L., du Souich P.: Extrahepatic metabolism of furosemide. British Journal of Pharmacology, 1995, 116: 2407-2412.
4. Vergés J., Castañeda G. and de Moragas J.M.: Procedure for the evaluation of the bioavailability of topical formulations in vivo as the rate and extent to which the active drug product is transferred from the vehicle to the skin. Drug Development Research, 1995, 36: 180-185.
5. du Souich P, Vergés J. Simple approach to predict Emax when plasma concentrations are not available or are dissociated from the effect, as illustrated with chondroitin sulfate data. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2001; 70 (1): 5-9.
6. Vergés, J., Castañeda-Hernández, G. On the bioavailability of oral chondroitn sulfate formulations: propsed criteria for bioequivalence studies. Proc. West. Pharmacol. Soc., 2004; 47: 50-37.
7. Vergés, J., Montell, E., Tomàs, E., Coronas, C., Cumelles, G., Castañeda, G., Martí, N., Möller, I. Weather conditions can influence rheumatic diseases. Proc. West. Pharmacol. Soc., 2004; 47: 134-6.
8. du Souich P, García AG, Vergés J, Montell E. Immunomodulatory and antiinflammatory effects of chondroitin sulphate. J Cell Mol Med. 2009 Aug;13(8A):145163.
9. Möller I, Pérez M, Monfort J, Benito P, Cuevas J, Perna C, Doménech G, Herrero M, Montell E, Vergés J. Effectiveness of chondroitin sulphate in patients with concomitant knee osteoarthritis and psoriasis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2010 Jun;18 Suppl 1:S32-40.
10. Francisco J. Blanco, Ingrid Möller, Arthrotest study group, Nerea Bartolomé, Marta Artieda, Magdalena Szczypiorska, Diego Tejedor, Antonio Martínez, Eulàlia Montell, Helena Martínez, Marta Herrero, Josep Vergés. Improved prediction of knee osteoarthritis progression by genetic polymorphisms. The Arthrotest Study. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2015, Jul;54(7):1236-43
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